At Broughton Primary School, our philosophy for education is one which is based around doing the ‘best by every child’. We hold a strong child-centred approach to teaching, where consistency, praise, encouragement yet challenge is key. We believe that all children are amazing and have unique potential waiting to be unlocked – it is a privilege be able to inspire, enthuse, motivate and nurture children to fully achieve this.
Head Teacher's Welcome
Welcome to our school website, an opportunity to explore everyday life in our school community and appreciate the vast array of opportunities we offer all our children. Please visit regularly to keep updated with important school news and upcoming events in our calendar. We are very proud of our strong links with our parents and the wider village community and will offer a range of events throughout the academic year, in which you will be invited into school to celebrate the successes and achievements of our children.
I am looking forward to working with you to support your child in the future.
Mrs Anna Bewsher
Pastoral Care
At Broughton Primary School, the well-being of our pupils and staff team is paramount to all that we do in school. Although we currently already offer a wide range of support strategies in school, we will always continue to strive to improve further. Our commitment to developing positive mental health for everybody in school will not waiver. We offer a weekly Nurture Group to our children as we understand the importance of nurture for the development of wellbeing.
Forest School
We believe at Broughton Primary School that all children have a right to outdoor education, both self-exploratory and structured learning, within and outside of school, regardless of ability, age, disability or finance, to achieve a greater understanding and respect for the natural world around them while acquiring lifetime skills alongside our school's morals and values. The ethos of Forest School is for children to instigate, test and maintain a curiosity in the world around them. It allows our pupils to explore, be creative, learn about and preserve the natural world in a safe environment.