Geography Curriculum Area
Miss M Tweddle - Geography Lead
Geography in it’s nature develops a child’s understanding of the world around them, exposes them to the world’s diversity and entices their curiosity. Geography can broaden horizons by going beyond a child’s locality.
The Geography curriculum in Broughton Primary School is crafted to ensure progression, coherence, and relevance, linking geographical knowledge and skills to real-world contexts. The Geography curriculum is a spiral curriculum with sequential lessons, ensuring knowledge and skills are revisited with increasing complexity so pupils can build on their previous learning. Knowledge and skills objectives vary from EYFS to Year 6, ensuring the development of the children’s geographical understanding, with key concepts, such as scale and place, also being incorporated into lessons. As Geographers, we look at a range of human and physical topics and concepts, exposing ourselves to diverse places, cultures and environments. The curriculum includes a balance of knowledge-rich content, fieldwork opportunities and practical experiences. The school’s own context is also considered with the implementation of the curriculum, opportunities for local links are made where appropriate.
Our Intentions
Through our teaching, we intend to:
- Foster a comprehensive grasp of concepts, knowledge, and skills, provoking questions and delivering answers about the world's elements.
- Spark a lasting curiosity and fascination about the world’s physical and human processes and its people, nurturing their interest in diverse places, cultures, resources, and environments.
- Ignite a spirit of enquiry and curiosity about the environment through investigative fieldwork.
- Develop the use of a range of geographical sources inside and outside of school.
- Show an appreciation for the school’s locality and adopt a sense of pride for where we live.
- Build on the previous knowledge and skills acquired to construct a broader and more comprehensive geographical understanding.
- Inspire children to become global citizens with a lifelong love for Geography and a love for the Earth.
Our Curriculum
Geography lessons are planned in line with the National Curriculum. The EYFS: Elements of Geography are delivered to the children in Early Years (Nursery and Reception) through the Foundation Stage Curriculum, most explicitly within the ‘Understanding the World’ area of learning. In KS1 & KS2 the Geography curriculum has been planned using rolling programmes (a 2 year rolling programme for KS1 and a 4 year rolling programme for KS2). Our rolling programmes ensure all children cover the all knowledge and skills relating to the four strands of the National Curriculum; Locational Knowledge, Place Knowledge, Human and Physical Geography, and Geographical Skills and Fieldwork. Geography planning also highlights and enhances children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding, alongside their understanding and respect for the fundamental British values. Children at Broughton Primary School will be taught a range of different units, such as: the weather in the UK, how wonderful our world is, life in Shanghai, hot and cold places, settlements, rainforests, deserts, population change, Antarctica, volcanoes, the Alps and rivers.
Examples of our Work
Geography Subject Leader
Broughton Primary School: Teaching and Learning Policy