Broughton Primary School: Teaching and Learning Policy

Maths at Broughton Primary School 

At Broughton primary school, we believe that maths is an integral part of the curriculum, one which can be used to support other subject areas as well as standing on its own.

Miss K Lightfoot - Maths Lead

Miss K Lightfoot 

Maths Subject Lead 

At Broughton Primary School we empower our children with a ‘WE CAN’ attitude in mathematics. We are positive about mistakes made and instil the idea that mistakes are a sign of learning. We are committed to ensuring that all pupils achieve mastery in the key concepts of mathematics, appropriate for their age group, in order to make genuine progress and avoid gaps in their understanding that provide barriers to learning as they move through education.


We intend to:

  • Instil a positive attitude towards the subject and an awareness of maths in the real world.
  • Help children become competent and  confident when using mathematical concepts and skills.
  • Give children the tools to reason and solve problems by working logically and systematically.
  • Give children the opportunity to work individually or as a group and let them use their initiative to choose.
  • promote communication, share work and learn from mistakes.
  • To use and apply their learning in real life and across the curriculum.
  • To encourage children to reflect on their learning by addressing strengths and weaknesses.
  • To help children develop and understanding of maths through enquiry and investigation.


Teaching Maths

Maths is taught daily at Broughton Primary School and teachers plan carefully using resources from the ‘White Rose Maths’ scheme of learning and tailoring towards their class. We use a wide variety of resources that are selected based on the needs of the class to ensure progression and interest.

In lessons you might see:

  • Independent work
  • Group work
  • Practical activities
  • Investigations
  • Exploring the concepts with manipulatives

We try and encourage the children to understand that mistakes are positive and are part of their learning journey so you will often see mistakes celebrated as a way of addressing misconceptions. Children will access the same learning and teachers will carefully differentiate in a range of ways it may be that they have adult support, work in a group, are provided with manipulatives or have been allowed greater time to complete tasks. We believe this helps children see maths in a positive light and encourages a ‘we can’ attitude as they all work off the same learning objective within class (although this may differ in mixed year group classes).

Maths is weaved throughout the curriculum here at Broughton School, so we make sure that certain skills, such as graphs, statistics and tables, are taught in context as well as explicitly in maths lessons. You may find children in science comparing graphs based of data sets they have created, in DT using shapes or in Geography using maps.


Maths Curriculum Area



Times Table Rock Stars Day 




Due to our rigorous and consistent assessment in maths, formative and summative, gaps in learning are identified quickly and, where possible, are addressed. Sometimes children require more than this and regular intervention is provided where necessary. We are constantly reviewing our intervention provision and currently we have a range of children accessing the one billion intervention provided by the Well Project, catch up tutoring and small group number intervention by ‘Every Child Counts’. Our intervention is short, effective and fun for children involved and we have arranged our school day so that children accessing the provision do so as an ‘extra’ coming in earlier in the mornings and do not miss any lessons as a result.

Website & App Recommendations

Click on the images to visit the different sites to find out more. 

1-Minute Maths - Apps on Google Play Hit the Button Math - Apps on Google PlayTimes Tables Rock Stars – Apps on Google Play



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