Our weaving skills have developed from weaving with paper to now making more complex woollen weaving designs. We started with the 'God's Eye' weaving using sticks and wool, then we moved onto the rainbow weaving designs. Its been fantastic to see how much our skills have developed over the past few weeks!
We have started our art and design topic on weaving. We looked at some different examples of when and how weaving can be used and then began learning our skills. We started off by weaving 2 pieces of green coloured paper together to make a caterpillar. The children were all pleased with their first weaving attempts and all of the caterpillars went off to live with their creators...
In our second session we attempted to weave some paper mats & the children did really well with their efforts. It was fantastic to see them persevering with their efforts and re-doing the weaving until they were satisfied with it. Great start to our art topic Year 3!